Monday, April 25, 2011

All that glitters is gold - usually silver!

The gold bullion is the number of old times, but the fact is that the vast majority of 'gold you see for sale is not made of pure gold - pure gold is very expensive and of itself is not very strong . Your faith is a very hard life, when made ​​from pure gold alone, other types of metals added to strengthen, too. Silver is one, but then again, silver is in its own stake in beauty and decided as gold, the eye ofMen and women for thousands of years, also silver.

Silver is a soft, white, shiny metal and has the highest electrical conductivity of all elements, the silver conducts the heat much more efficiently than any other metal, the soil is silver the gold standard for the pan! Unfortunately, most would never be allowed so it is good that the material offers an economical alternative.

Diamond Silver

Silver occurs in natural form asAlloy or pure metal, metal is found in close proximity to the gold and the electron as a share of common alloy of gold and silver along with some others. Gold is rare, copper and silver as a by-product of more extraction of other metals such as zinc, lead, e.

Silver on a common set of attraction factors of gold - is attractive to the eye, will not rust or fade, because it reacts well with othersElements, and in particular air and water. In addition to this, because it is soft and malleable, it has always found its way into several pieces of jewelry to make a rare and served with regard to their decorative value of the base metal and silver. Silver was also used to create coins of the first in everything the same way that gold has been used - the value of the currency, the value of the silver (or gold) that the currency is called, and from the practice ofMoulding and silver jewelry and gold bullion.

Silver is widely used in industry and lives in many of the products we use in our daily lives. Silver is particularly useful in the production of electrical contacts because of its high conductivity. Many of the high-tech devices in your home, particularly computers and televisions have modern silver-plated electrical contacts and are based on the higher conductivity of silver for his performance. ModernThe picture would not have been possible were it not for the silver, connections and solutions to be used to "fix" the photographic image on paper. Nitrate of silver is a (albeit expensive) with medical applications in particular as antimicrobial disinfectant. Industrial processes and the chemical industry, the silver compounds play a crucial role as catalysts to make the commercial production of a large range of very basic chemistryProducts.

Like gold, silver has many applications, the majority of pure ornament, man is almost as much silver as gold through the ages, but the real value of silver made ​​life desirable, ours is much larger than what many people believe the opposite.

All that glitters is gold - usually silver!


Diamond Silver - Templates Novo Blogger